My Why

My Why

I believe in preparing and inspiring students for their unforeseen futures.

My How

To do this, I integrate play-based and blended learning through a station rotation model.

My What

I create opportunities for students to develop both academic and social emotional skills, while supporting them to become independent, lifelong learners.


As teachers, we love the flexibility of our day to day. Each class we have brings new individuals with differing experiences and challenges. Not one year looks the same!

So in the spirit of our changing and unpredictable world, let’s embrace it. Learning is what drew us to careers in education and that is just what we should be doing alongside our students.

Think back to a time you struggled in school.

Did you overcome this challenge alone?

Did you have an adult coaching you?

When you felt support were you able to discover learning on your own?

How did this feel?

These experiences as a young learner will give students motivation to continue learning beyond the walls of our classrooms. As educators who struggle and grow together we can elicit real change in our students’ futures.

I remember being a beginning teacher and feeling completely alone and lost. But now looking back I am grateful for the struggles I endured. They taught me that mirroring exactly what another teacher did would not help me grow. Instead I listened to guiding words from educators who talked about their beginning years. I had to experience the failures, modify, and try again. It has helped me learn as an educator and this is all we want for our students.

Why stop learning now?

An integrated play-based and blended learning model through station rotation is different. It will have challenges. But with those challenges comes learning. We strive to be better educators and that must come from new experiences.

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